Boyd Observatory
The images you see here were all made with the observatories Newtonian telescope. The telescope has an aperture of 444 mm, a focal length of 1987 mm. and operates under Bortle class 5 skies. The cameras in use are the SBIG ST-2000 XCM and ST-2000XM. Filter and optical correction are provided by a Baader Planetarium 2 Mark III Multi Purpose Coma Corrector - MPCC and a SkyTech LPRO MAX 2inch CCD Filter The images are stacked result of as many worthwhile sub images as I could collect. Due to the limitations imposed by the large size an weight of the telescope, exposures for each sub image are limited to about sixty seconds and real time corrections to the guiding are required. At the time of this writing I am averaging only about one useable image for every three or four I collect. However, I am hoping to refine both my equipment and technique in the future. Fingers crossed.